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One of the most crucial pieces of evidence used in cases of drunk driving cases is that of the driver’s blood alcohol level (BAL) or also referred to BAC (blood alchol content). The dreaded dui test.
This is often gathered by the law enforcement during the arrest process and is used to help determine whether or not the driver was impaired by alcohol. In the state of Idaho, a driver can be arrested if they ae found to be driving with a BAL of 0.08 percent of more. To determine their BAC, police officers will utilize certain tests, such as blood, breath, and field sobriety tests. We explain some of these below:
Field Sobriety Tests: One common form of DUI testing are field sobriety tests administered at the time of arrest. There are countless types of tests, but only three “standardized” tests. These include the walk and turn (WAT), one-leg stand (OLS), and horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN). All of these are administered to test the driver’s ability to listen to directions, their normal faculties, and more.
Breathalyzer Test: Another common form of DUI testing is the breath test, which can be administered roadside or back at the police station. This test is completed with the help of a machine (ex: Intoxilyzer 8000). All the driver does is blows into the machine, which then measures the concentration of alcohol within the driver’s lungs to determine the amount of alcohol that is in their blood.
Blood Testing: One of the most scientific forms of DUI testing is testing of the actual blood. This is always done at either a hospital or police station by a certified individual who draws a blood sample and sends it off to the lab for testing. While it seems the most foolproof, there are still ways in which the resulting evidence may be faulty—for example, if the sample was not properly stored.
At Boise Advocate, our Boise DUI lawyers know that no evidence is completely infallible in a DUI case and there is a long distance between an arrest and a conviction. For this reason, if you have been accused of drinking and driving, you should not hesitate to contact our firm as soon as possible. We know the ways in which these forms of evidence can be challenged, and we know how to protect your legal rights. Call now for a free case evaluation!